• Brand strategy
• Brand design
• Packaging
• Visual guide for social media content (+ editable templates on Canva)
With extensive experience in the area of phonoesthetics, Livia Prevato has, in addition to a space dedicated to service and groups of online classes totaling +8 thousand customers, a private brand of natural and vegan dermocosmetics of its own creation that includes the multifunctional skin food serum LIVOIL.
We created the "naturally young" tagline to endorse the brand's purpose that encompasses all services and products and guided the creation of the visual identity based on the pillars of empathy, naturalness and empowerment, resulting in a minimalist, feminine and joyful brand.
The brand's icon is the base element in all institutional materials and represent the union of the natural and emotional, an essential oil drop plus a heart.

A language study was carried out to define the new visual guidelines for the brand, in line with the brandbook, tone of voice and new Artse features: the entry of Claudia Leitte as a partner and the launch of new products, starting with the Prosecco wine in January 2023.
The result was a more cheerful, colorful and authentic communication.
Foi realizado um estudo de linguagem para definir as novas diretrizes visuais da marca, em adequação ao brandbook, ao tom de voz e às novidades da Artse: a entrada da Claudia Leitte como sócia e novos produtos, iniciando com o vinho Prosecco em janeiro de 2023.
O resultado foi uma comunicação mais alegre, descontraída, colorida e autêntica.

Prosecco Artse stands out for its freshness and the characteristic bubbles. The launch was scheduled to take place weeks before Carnival, which is is the peak season of the artist Claudia Leitte and the Brazilian summer. Both the color and the language used in the launch of the Prosecco wine were designed to enhance the product's attributes combined with the relaxed and extroverted essence of the brand.
O Prosecco Artse se destaca pelo frescor e pela característica das bolhas. O lançamento foi alinhado para acontecer semanas antes do Carnaval, época auge da artista Claudia Leitte e do verão brasileiro. Tanto a cor quanto a linguagem usada no lançamento do vinho Prosecco foram pensadas para enaltecer os atributos do produto aliado à essência descontraída e sem frescura da marca.

In creating the communication for the Artse brand, we have developed unique artwork with fun, empowering, and deserving messages on wine glasses. These pieces aim to enhance the perception of relaxation, one of the brand's fundamental pillars, while conveying joy and inspiring customers to enjoy each sip with happiness and a sense of deserving. With our creative approach, we seek to deliver a unique and captivating experience, simplifying the enjoyment of wine and bringing lightness to every moment. Cheers to relaxation with Artse!
Na criação da comunicação da marca Artse, desenvolvemos artes únicas com mensagens divertidas, empoderadoras e de merecimento em taças de vinho. Essas peças buscam aumentar a percepção da descontração, um dos pilares fundamentais da marca, transmitindo alegria e inspirando os clientes a aproveitarem cada gole com alegria e merecimento. Com a nossa abordagem criativa, buscamos transmitir uma experiência única e cativante, descomplicando o consumo de vinho e trazendo leveza para todos os momentos. Brinde à descontração com Artse!